Frostglaze Crystal

Genshin Impact

Frostglaze Crystal

A glaze crystal produced in the depths of The Chasm, this special Glaze Sand Crystal ore was one of many scattered about during the battle against the giant ruin machine. Glaze Sand Crystal ore is a regional specialty of The Chasm, but this one is different from the rest.
Under the radiance of the blue crystal and the power of the Abyss, a strange spiral pattern has emerged within this stone, and it is cold, almost chilling to the touch.
This once smooth crystal has been transformed into this shape by the great might that descended from the heavens and the miasma that arose from the earth's depths — and perhaps the form it has taken is itself a warning unto mortals.
If the interaction of these forces alone could twist stone and metal thus, if that ordinary heroine was truly able to witness the end of the pitch-dark path, how would she have faced the discovery she would make?

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Frostglaze Crystal
Deutsch Kalter Kristallsand
Español Cristal gélido
Français Cristal givrémaillé
日本語 琉璃寒晶
한국어 서늘한 유리 수정


Name Frostglaze Crystal
Type Quest Item