Priest's Box

Genshin Impact

Priest's Box

A treasure box with a decorative pattern at the bottom. The ornamentation seems to be a part of a three-piece motif. Once the pattern is completed, a certain door may open.
"I thought that the young will grow strong and vital like cypresses."
"But these cypresses are about to wither. Their voices won't be carried by the wind anymore. My expectations towards them, as well as the faith they have in me, will all fall through."
"Once again I'll climb this peak looking for guidance. By the time I'm back down, my daughter will have finished the second painting."
"As long as the third one will be of thawing snow and ice, everything will be fine."

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Priest's Box
Deutsch Schmuckkästchen des Priesters
Español Cofre del sacerdote
Français Coffre du prêtre
日本語 司祭の箱
한국어 사제의 함


Name Priest's Box
Type Quest Item