Sakura Mochi

Genshin Impact

Sakura Mochi

A delicate and elegant snack. The dark green leaf adds complexity to the overall warm color palette. Just looking at it gives you a sense of its quiet beauty. 'Tis a shame that its lovely flavor is like a blooming flower in its transience — yet do not let that dissuade you from taking a bite.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Sakura Mochi
Deutsch Sakuramochi
Español Mochis de cerezo
Français Mochis de fleur de cerisier
日本語 緋櫻餅
한국어 벚꽃 모찌


Name Sakura Mochi
Type Food
Food Type

Recovery Dish




Revives a character and restores 1,200 HP.


Obtained by cooking