Scribe's Box

Genshin Impact

Scribe's Box

A treasure box with a decorative pattern at the bottom. The ornamentation seems to be a part of a three-piece motif. Once the pattern is completed, a certain door may open.
"I yearn for those frosty skies to stand in flames and burn till there's no living soul in the world."
"I yearn for us to turn to dust carried by the wind so that we can find that outsider who abandoned the princess."
"I yearn for the black dragon from the princess' dreams to engulf the land in a cloud of scarlet poison."
"For I am the last one. There's no need to keep watch any longer."
"I've heard of people who are building a new nation without gods. Perhaps they'll have the power to stand against this world."

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Scribe's Box
Deutsch Schmuckkästchen des Archivars
Español Cofre del escriba
Français Coffre du scribe
日本語 記録者の箱
한국어 기록자의 함


Name Scribe's Box
Type Quest Item