Stormcrest Pie

Genshin Impact

Stormcrest Pie

Eula's specialty. It's hard to say if the unorthodox, non-full-moon shape is meant to flout tradition or express her "tooth for a tooth" ethos. A rich, savory, and smoky flavor emanates from beneath the golden outer crust, unlikely to be reproducible by anybody else in Mondstadt. Best not to tell her all this, though, lest she add it to her list of personal vendettas.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Stormcrest Pie
Deutsch Stürmische Calzone
Español Empanada tempestuosa
Français Tourte tempétueuse
日本語 荒波パイ
한국어 격랑 파이


Name Stormcrest Pie
Type Food
Utility Increases all party members' Shield Strength by 40% and DEF by 282 for 300s. In Co-Op Mode, this effect only applies to your own character(s).
Source Obtained by cooking