Unagi Chazuke

Genshin Impact

Unagi Chazuke

A light and tasty main dish. Well-boiled tea is poured over rice with unagi on top and allowed to steep quietly until the rice grains have absorbed the fragrance of the tea. When combined with the lingering sweet aftertaste of the unagi, you can eat half a bowl before Paimon can say "Whoa!"

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Unagi Chazuke
Deutsch Unagi-Chazuke
Español Arroz con anguila bañado en té
Français Chazuke à l'anguille
日本語 うな茶漬け
한국어 뱀장어 살코기 오차즈케


Name Unagi Chazuke
Type Food
Utility Increases all party members' Healing Bonus by 17% for 300s. In Co-Op Mode, this effect only applies to your own character(s).
Source Obtained by cooking



Recipe: Unagi Chazuke Recipe: Unagi Chazuke


4x Eel Meat Eel Meat

3x Rice Rice

3x Seagrass Seagrass

1x Salt Salt



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