Hilichurl Shooter

Genshin Impact

Hilichurl Shooter

The primitive wandering inhabitants of Teyvat's wildernesses.
Hilichurl archers who wield simple crossbows. Hilichurls do not, in truth, possess the craftsmanship needed to build crossbows. As such, it is commonly believed that there is an organization that controls the hilichurls from behind the scenes and furnishes them with equipment and material supplies. The Abyss Mages that often accompany these hilichurls are especially suspicious.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Hilichurl Shooter
Deutsch Hilichurl-Schütze
Español Hilichurl Ballestero
Français Arbalétrier Brutocollinus
日本語 ヒルチャール・射手
한국어 츄츄 궁수


Name Hilichurl Shooter
Type Hilichurls