Geo Specter

Genshin Impact

Geo Specter

A monster birthed from a high concentration of Geo that can float in the air.
Geo Specters mimic the fruit of certain plants when their wings are closed together. As such, they are held by some ancient tales to be the fruit of a giant tree in the sky, and are regarded as having mysterious medical value.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Geo Specter
Deutsch Geo-Gespenst
Español Espectro Geo
Français Spectre Géo
日本語 岩フライム
한국어 떠도는 바위의 정령


Name Geo Specter
Type Elemental Lifeforms
Tutorial High elemental concentrations have resulted in the creation of this floating creature. When it takes a single grievous hit, it will build Fury. When a Specter hits maximum Fury, it will expand, becoming larger and stronger, and it will explode violently when defeated.