Cryo Regisvine

Genshin Impact

Cryo Regisvine

A monster formed from a vine that was imbued with the essence of biting frost within the ley lines.
Some studies suggest that plants are like the organs of the world, harmonizing the turbulent elemental energies of the ley lines. Concrete examples of this phenomena are Mist Flowers, Whopperflowers, and the like, which brim over with elemental energy.
In certain circumstances, certain plants will turn into creatures of monstrous size and intent — such as the Cryo Regisvines — in the course of many years.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Cryo Regisvine
Deutsch Fluxeisbaum
Español Regisvid Cryo
Français Arbre congelé
日本語 急凍樹
한국어 얼음 나무


Name Cryo Regisvine
Type Mystical Beasts
Tutorial Carnivorous plants that use the alluring appearance of their flowers to deceive their prey. Their vine-like stalks are surprisingly tough to cut through. Perhaps the organ shaped like a Cryo core growing near their roots could be the key to defeating them...