Cryo Hypostasis

Genshin Impact

Cryo Hypostasis

Code name: Daleth. A high-purity Cryo entity.
Research suggests that there are subtle differences between elemental hypostases and other elemental life forms in terms of their physical composition. Perhaps these differences can account for their high level of homeostasis and their almost mechanical movements.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Cryo Hypostasis
Deutsch Kryo-Hypostase
Español Hipostasis Cryo
Français Hypostase Cryo
日本語 無相の氷
한국어 무상의 얼음


Name Cryo Hypostasis
Type Elemental Lifeforms
Tutorial Elemental creatures who protect themselves from incoming attack with their durable shell. Find an opportune moment to land a blow to their elemental core. At critical moments, they will enter a shielded regenerative state, firing Frostfruits to attack its foes while restoring its own HP. Use Charged Attacks to redirect the Frostfruits back at the Cryo Hypostasis to knock it out of its regenerative state swiftly.