Hydro Hypostasis

Genshin Impact

Hydro Hypostasis

Code Name: He. A high-purity Hydro entity.
Hypostases have strong rejection properties, and will mercilessly expel any that test them.
Its rejection behavior even extends to natural elements.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Hydro Hypostasis
Deutsch Hydro-Hypostase
Español Hipostasis Hydro
Français Hypostase Hydro
日本語 無相の水
한국어 무상의 물


Name Hydro Hypostasis
Type Elemental Lifeforms
Tutorial Protects itself with a cubical shell that is elementally inert. Attacks are only effective when its elemental core is exposed. When HP is low, it splits into three crystalline "water droplets" that will move towards its core. Destroy these water droplets in time to prevent the revival of the Hydro Hypostasis.