Pyro Hypostasis

Genshin Impact

Pyro Hypostasis

Code Name: Ayin. A high-purity Pyro entity.
According to researchers, Elemental Hypostases are related to anomalies in local Elemental veins. But whether it is the existence of Elemental Hypostases that have affected Elemental veins or the mutated Elemental Energy that created Elemental Hypostases remains to be confirmed.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Pyro Hypostasis
Deutsch Pyro-Hypostase
Español Hipostasis Pyro
Français Hypostase Pyro
日本語 無相の炎
한국어 무상의 불


Name Pyro Hypostasis
Type Elemental Lifeforms
Tutorial Protects itself with a cubical shell that is elementally inert. Has two states: Ignited and Extinguished. In the Ignited state, the Pyro Hypostasis's core is not exposed and it continuously regenerates HP. Only after Extinguishing it with the right elemental reactions will you have an opportunity to strike. In the Extinguished state, the Pyro Hypostasis will generate Fire Seeds in an attempt to re-ignite.