Bitter Pufferfish

Genshin Impact

Bitter Pufferfish

A rare pufferfish variant. As the name suggests, this creature spreads bitterness wherever it goes in the underwater world. Its water cannon projectiles are slower and smaller than those of its ordinary counterparts, but the power of such attacks is undiminished due to the incredibly bitter pheromones within. During their courtship phase, an observer might bear witness to the curious sight of males and females of this species blasting each other with these water cannons. Perhaps passing on the bitterness of life is also a manifestation of love.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Bitter Pufferfish
Deutsch Bitterer Kugelfisch
Español Pez globo amargo
Français Poisson-globe amer
日本語 苦鉄砲フグ
한국어 쓴맛 대포 복어


Name Bitter Pufferfish