Tri-Flavored Skewer

Genshin Impact

Tri-Flavored Skewer

A pieced-together skewer. Three different cooking processes can be tasted at a go in this dish, which has made it very popular. If you are ever at a loss at to what to pair with some wine, there's no going wrong with one of these.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Tri-Flavored Skewer
Deutsch Spieß mit drei Aromen
Español Brochetas de tres sabores
Français Brochettes trois saveurs
日本語 串焼き三種
한국어 삼미 꼬치


Name Tri-Flavored Skewer
Type Food
Utility Increases all party members' ATK by 194 for 300s. In Co-Op Mode, this effect only applies to your own character(s).
Source Obtained by cooking