Deepwood Memories

Genshin Impact

Deepwood Memories

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Deepwood Memories
Deutsch Erinnerungen des tiefen Waldes
Español Recuerdos del Bosque
Français Souvenir de forêt
日本語 深林の記憶
한국어 숲의 기억



Deepwood Memories

2-Piece Set

Dendro DMG Bonus +15%.

4-Piece Set

After Elemental Skills or Bursts hit opponents, the targets' Dendro RES will be decreased by 30% for 8s. This effect can be triggered even if the equipping character is not on the field.


Labyrinth Wayfarer

Flower of Life

This lovely gold-plated flower was plucked from the crown of the ruler of the forest.

A Time of Insight

Sands of Eon

Such timepieces are used by those who dedicate themselves to the way of the wise. These timepieces do not contain lifeless sand, but instead play host to tiny mustard seeds.

Scholar of Vines

Plume of Death

An emerald leaf as fluffy as a feather. Plucked from the raiment of a forest scholar.

Laurel Coronet

Circlet of Logos

This crown was bestowed by the deity with dominion over plants and trees. It was an heirloom of the royal house of the labyrinth. It was, at last, made the inheritance of the king's attendant.

Lamp of the Lost

Goblet of Eonothem

This was originally an oil lamp in the style of the desert realm, but has since sprouted fluorescent green leaves.