Genshin Impact
Rhodeia of Loch
"Lady of Clear Waters" Rhodeia
"As long as rain falls and rivers flow… water will exist forever…"
Other Language
Language | Official Name |
English | Rhodeia of Loch |
Deutsch | Okeanide Rhodeia |
Español | Oceánida - Rhodeia |
Français | Océanide - Rhodeia |
日本語 | 純水精霊・ローデシア |
한국어 | 물의 정령·로데이아 |
Name |
Rhodeia of Loch |
Type |
Character Card |
HP |
10 |
Energy |
3 |
Element |
Hydro |
Weapon |
Other Weapons |
Faction |
Monster |
Talent Card | |
Source |
Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with Rhodeia of Loch |
Character Entry |

Normal Attack
Deals 1 Hydro DMG.
Talent Level-Up Material |
Oceanid Mimic Summoning
Elemental Skill
Randomly summons 1 Oceanid Mimic (Prioritizes summoning a different type from preexisting ones).
Oceanid Mimic
There are 3 kinds of Oceanid Mimic in total:
Ferret: Deal 2 Hydro DMG at the End Phase. 2 Uses.
Raptor: Deal 1 Hydro DMG at the End Phase. 3 Uses.
Frog: Can block 2 DMG. Once this effect is depleted, deal 2 Hydro DMG.
Talent Level-Up Material |
The Myriad Wilds
Elemental Skill
Randomly summons 2 Oceanid Mimic (Prioritizes summoning different types).
Oceanid Mimic
There are 3 kinds of Oceanid Mimic in total:
Ferret: Deal 2 Hydro DMG at the End Phase. 2 Uses.
Raptor: Deal 1 Hydro DMG at the End Phase. 3 Uses.
Frog: Can block 2 DMG. Once this effect is depleted, deal 2 Hydro DMG.
Talent Level-Up Material |
Tide and Torrent
Elemental Burst
Deals 2 Hydro DMG. For each friendly Summon on the field, deals +2 additional DMG.
Talent Level-Up Material |

Hydro Mimic Ferret
Deal 2 Hydro DMG
Usage(s): 2
Talent Level-Up Material |

Hydro Mimic Raptor
Deal 1 Hydro DMG
Usage(s): 3
Talent Level-Up Material |

Hydro Mimic Frog
Provides 2 Shield points for your active character. When this card's Shield points are depleted, it is not discarded.
During the End Phase, if this card's Shields have been depleted:
Discard this card and deal 2 Hydro DMG
Usage(s): 2
Talent Level-Up Material |
Hydro DMG
Applies Hydro and can trigger the following Elemental Reactions:
[Hydro + Pyro] Vaporize: DMG +2 for this instance
[Hydro + Electro] Electro-Charged: DMG +1 for this instance, deal 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters except the target
[Hydro + Cryo] Frozen: DMG +1 for this instance, the target is unable to perform any Actions this Round (Can be removed in advance after the target receives +2 Physical or Pyro DMG)
[Hydro + Dendro] Bloom: DMG+1 for this instance, creates a [Dendro Core] the grants +2 DMG to the next instance of Pyro/Electro DMG
Talent Level-Up Material |
Detailed Rules
After this card's effect is triggered, 1 Usage of it will be consumed.
This card will be discarded immediately once it has 0 Usages remaining.
This Shield will be consumed to protect the character who equips it from DMG.
Talent Level-Up Material |
Dynamic Skin |
Item | Cost | Stock | Vendor |
4000 | 1 |
Can also be exchanged using a Blank Dynamic Card .
Genius Invokation TCG Stage |
Tavern Challenge: Friendly Fracas - The Oceanid's Concern
Stage Introduction "Meow." "Ah, the cat who wanders by the waters of Qingce Village told me the tale of the spirit of the water..." Special Rule: "Rhodeia of Loch" is immune to Frozen, Stun, and Petrification, gains Elemental Lifeform: Hydro when the battle begins, and starts with the Talent Card "Streaming Surge" equipped. | |
Opposing Lineup | *Has 30 HP |
Prerequisite | Reach Player Level 3 |
Challenge Objective(s) | Reward |
Achieve victory | |
Achieve victory within 5 Rounds | |
Win with less than 2 characters defeated |
Tavern Challenge: Serious Showdown - The Oceanid's Fury
Stage Introduction "Meow." "Ah, who would've thought that the disturbed Oceanid would turn the river water this bitter..." Special Rule: "Rhodeia of Loch" is immune to Frozen, Stun, and Petrification, gains Elemental Lifeform: Hydro when the battle begins, and starts with the Talent Card "Streaming Surge" equipped. | |
Opposing Lineup | *Has 45 HP |
Prerequisite | Reach Player Level 7 |
Challenge Objective(s) | Reward |
Achieve victory | 1000x |