Genshin Impact
Xiangling: Crossfire
This heat's just normal for a restaurant's standards!
Other Language
Language | Official Name |
English | Crossfire |
Deutsch | Kreuzfeuer |
Español | Fuego cruzado |
Français | Feux croisés |
日本語 | 交差する炎 |
한국어 | 교차 화력 |
Name |
Crossfire |
Type |
Equipment Card |
Tag |
Talent |
Source |
Reward for inviting Xiangling to a duel at The Cat's Tail and achieving all corresponding challenge objectives |
Related Character |

Combat Action: When your active character is Xiangling, equip this card.
After Xiangling equips this card, immediately use Guoba Attack once.
When your Xiangling, who has this card equipped, uses Guoba Attack, she will also deal 1 Pyro DMG.
(You must have Xiangling in your deck to add this card to your deck.)
Talent Level-Up Material |
Guoba Attack
Elemental Skill
Summons 1 Guoba.
Talent Level-Up Material |

End Phase: Deal 2 Pyro DMG.
Usage(s): 2
Talent Level-Up Material |
Pyro DMG
Applies Pyro and can trigger the following Elemental Reactions:
[Pyro + Cryo] Melt: DMG +2 for this instance
[Pyro + Hydro] Vaporize: DMG +2 for this instance
[Pyro + Electro] Overloaded: DMG +2 for this instance, the target is forcibly switched to the next character
[Pyro + Dendro] Burning: DMG +1 for this instance, creates a [Burning Flame] that will deal 1 Pyro DMG at the end of the Round (Takes effect once, max 2 stacks)
Talent Level-Up Material |
Detailed Rules
Combat Action
After you finish 1 Combat Action, it will be your opponent's turn.
Playing a card from your Hand with this rule is also a Combat Action rather than a Fast Action.
After this card's effect is triggered, 1 Usage of it will be consumed.
This card will be discarded immediately once it has 0 Usages remaining.
Talent Level-Up Material |