Faith Eternal

Genshin Impact

Faith Eternal

Kujou Sara's specialty. Forget calling it a dish, this is really more like a snack. The sweet, fluffy flavor really doesn't seem to suit Sara's own preferences. Wait a moment. That symbol on the snack — does this have to do with a certain other person's tastes instead?

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Faith Eternal
Deutsch Ewiger Glaube
Español Fe en la eternidad
Français Foi en l'éternité
日本語 永遠なる信仰
한국어 영원의 신앙


Name Faith Eternal
Type Food
Utility Revives a character and restores 10% of Max HP, then restores an additional 150 HP.
Source Obtained by cooking



Recipe: Egg Roll Recipe: Egg Roll


1x Bird Egg Bird Egg

1x Sugar Sugar

Base Dish
