Sturdy Bone Shard

Genshin Impact

Sturdy Bone Shard

A fragment of an unknown creature's bones that appear to be prized by Geovishaps for some reason.
The fragment appears to be quite aged. Despite being dragon-like beasts with no spoken language, they still seem to have some sort of special affection for these bone shards.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Sturdy Bone Shard
Deutsch Stabiles Knochenstück
Español Fragmento de hueso sólido
Français Fragment d'os solide
日本語 丈夫な骨片
한국어 단단한 뼛조각


Name Sturdy Bone Shard
Type Character Level-Up Material


Dropped by Lv. 40+ Geovishap Hatchlings

Dropped by Lv. 40+ Geovishaps

Dropped by Lv. 40+ Bathysmal Vishaps

Stardust Exchange