Heartstring Noodles

Genshin Impact

Heartstring Noodles

Shenhe's specialty. Perhaps this comes from her desire to recreate a flavor that lives only in her memories, but Shenhe has poured much time and effort into both making and plating this dish. The smooth noodles and delectable soup make a great impression indeed, but the most indelible aspects are the dedication and heart put into this dish...

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Heartstring Noodles
Deutsch Herznudeln
Español Fideos de la emoción
Français Nouilles du cœur
日本語 連心麺
한국어 연심면


Name Heartstring Noodles
Type Food
Utility Increases all party members' ATK by 274 for 300s. In Co-op Mode, this effect only applies to your own character(s).
Source Obtained by cooking



Recipe: Dragon Beard Noodles Recipe: Dragon Beard Noodles


4x Flour Flour

2x Fowl Fowl

2x Mushroom Mushroom

1x Ham Ham

Base Dish
