Dragon Beard Noodles

Genshin Impact

Dragon Beard Noodles

Noodles that are as slender as the hairs on a dragon's beard. The green onion is fried in a wok before the soup and condiments are added. Last in are the noodles, after which the lot is ladled out and plated up. The noodles must be skillfully hand-pulled multiple times before they become extremely thin — a technique that makes this dish the most challenging noodle recipe in Liyue.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Dragon Beard Noodles
Deutsch Drachenbartnudeln
Español Fideos barba de dragón
Français Barbe à dragon
日本語 龍髭麺
한국어 용수면


Name Dragon Beard Noodles
Type Food
Utility Increases all party members' ATK by 194 for 300s. In Co-Op Mode, this effect only applies to your own character(s).
Source Obtained by cooking