Song of Broken Pines

Genshin Impact

Song of Broken Pines

A greatsword as light as the sigh of grass in the breeze, yet as merciless to the corrupt as a typhoon.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Song of Broken Pines
Deutsch Kiefernklang
Español Oda de los Pinos
Français Ode au chant du vent
日本語 松韻の響く頃
한국어 송뢰가 울릴 무렵


Name Song of Broken Pines
Source Mondstadt
Type Claymore
Secondary Attributes Physical DMG Bonus
Rebel's Banner-Hymn A part of the "Millennial Movement" that wanders amidst the winds. Increases ATK by 16%/20%/24%/28%/32%, and when Normal or Charged Attacks hit opponents, the character gains a Sigil of Whispers. This effect can be triggered once every 0.3s. When you possess 4 Sigils of Whispers, all of them will be consumed and all nearby party members will obtain the "Millennial Movement: Banner-Hymn" effect for 12s. "Millennial Movement: Banner-Hymn" increases Normal ATK SPD by 12%/15%/18%/21%/24% and increases ATK by 20%/25%/30%/35%/40%. Once this effect is triggered, you will not gain Sigils of Whispers for 20s. Of the many effects of the "Millennial Movement," buffs of the same type will not stack.


ATK before Ascension ATK after Ascension Physical DMG Bonus Ascension Materials
- 49 4.5% -

ATK before Ascension ATK after Ascension Physical DMG Bonus Ascension Materials
145 176 8%

ATK before Ascension ATK after Ascension Physical DMG Bonus Ascension Materials
286 317 11.6%

ATK before Ascension ATK after Ascension Physical DMG Bonus Ascension Materials
374 406 13.4%

ATK before Ascension ATK after Ascension Physical DMG Bonus Ascension Materials
464 495 15.2%

ATK before Ascension ATK after Ascension Physical DMG Bonus Ascension Materials
555 586 17%

ATK before Ascension ATK after Ascension Physical DMG Bonus Ascension Materials
648 679 18.9%

ATK before Ascension ATK after Ascension Physical DMG Bonus Ascension Materials
741 - 20.7% -