Stained Mask

Genshin Impact

Stained Mask

A bone mask, covered in unidentifiable stains, that emanates a mysterious odor.
Yet such is the devotion of hilichurls to masks that they will wear it nonetheless.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Stained Mask
Deutsch Verdreckte Maske
Español Máscara sucia
Français Masque sale
日本語 汚れた仮面
한국어 오염된 가면


Name Stained Mask
Type Character Level-Up Material

Dropped by Lv. 40+ hilichurls
Dropped uncommonly by Lv. 40+ hilichurl archers
Dropped uncommonly by Lv. 40+ samachurls

Dropped uncommonly by Lv. 40+ mitachurls

Dropped uncommonly by Lv. 40+ lawachurls

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