Bloodstained Chivalry

Genshin Impact

Bloodstained Chivalry

Other Language


Name Bloodstained Chivalry
2-Piece SetPhysical DMG +25%
4-Piece Set After defeating an opponent, increases Charged Attack DMG by 50%, and reduces its Stamina cost to 0 for 10s.


Bloodstained Flower of Iron

Flower of Life

A dried flower stained black with blood and now as hard as steel. Probably some sort of a memento for its former master.

Bloodstained Final Hour

Sands of Eon

A timepiece once used by a knight. The liquid inside has dried up, rendering it useless.

Bloodstained Black Plume

Plume of Death

A raven feather pinned to a knight's cape. Countless bloodstains have dyed it pitch black.

Bloodstained Iron Mask

Circlet of Logos

The iron mask the knight used to conceal their identity. Many have speculated about the face behind the mask.

Bloodstained Chevalier's Goblet

Goblet of Eonothem

The dark metallic vessel owned by the Bloodstained Knight. Its exterior has been stained as black as the night by smoke and coagulated blood.