Traveling Doctor

Genshin Impact

Traveling Doctor

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Traveling Doctor
Deutsch Wanderarzt
Español Médica Itinerante
Français Médecin itinérant
日本語 医者
한국어 떠돌이 의사


Name Traveling Doctor
2-Piece SetIncreases incoming healing by 20%.
4-Piece Set Using Elemental Burst restores 20% HP.


Traveling Doctor's Silver Lotus

Flower of Life

A precious medicinal ingredient that has lost all medicinal value after years in storage.

Traveling Doctor's Pocket Watch

Sands of Eon

A precise instrument used for keeping time. For a doctor, every second counts.

Traveling Doctor's Owl Feather

Plume of Death

The durable feather of an owl. Emblematic of nocturnal supremacy, it gave some encouragement to the Traveling Doctor when venturing out to visit patients late at night.

Traveling Doctor's Handkerchief

Circlet of Logos

Used to tie back the doctor's hair when treating patients. Can also be used as a sling for sprains and broken arms in emergencies.

Traveling Doctor's Medicine Pot

Goblet of Eonothem

This pot used to carry concentrated and extremely potent concoctions. It is now empty, but still gives off a strong smell of medicine.