Maiden Beloved

Genshin Impact

Maiden Beloved

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Maiden Beloved
Deutsch Ins Herz geschlossenes Mädchen
Español Doncella Amada
Français Amour chéri
日本語 愛される少女
한국어 사랑받는 소녀


Name Maiden Beloved
2-Piece SetCharacter Healing Effectiveness +15%
4-Piece Set Using an Elemental Skill or Burst increases healing received by all party members by 20% for 10s.


Maiden's Distant Love

Flower of Life

A fragrant flower that will bloom for all eternity and never wither.

Maiden's Passing Youth

Sands of Eon

The hands of time will never come to an end, but the same cannot not be said for those cherished years of the young maiden's life when she was doted upon.

Maiden's Heart-stricken Infatuation

Plume of Death

A feathered accessory that carries the longing for a certain someone, like a migratory bird on the wind.

Maiden's Fading Beauty

Circlet of Logos

A meticulously well-maintained woman's hat that keeps wrinkles safely out of sight.

Maiden's Fleeting Leisure

Goblet of Eonothem

A vessel made with sweet black tea in mind rather than bitter liquor.