Geo Hypostasis

Genshin Impact

Geo Hypostasis

Code name: Gimel. A high-purity Geo entity.
Elemental hypostases are ultra-compact structures with a high mass.
Concentrated elemental energy forms a solid shell around the core of the hypostasis, leaving only the core reactive to elemental stimuli.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Geo Hypostasis
Deutsch Geo-Hypostase
Español Hipostasis Geo
Français Hypostase Géo
日本語 無相の岩
한국어 무상의 바위


Name Geo Hypostasis
Type Elemental Lifeforms
Tutorial Elemental creatures who protect themselves from incoming attack with their durable shell. Find an opportune moment to land a blow to their elemental core. They are able to create Geo constructs in fights and restore their health when they feel threatened. You must be able to efficiently destroy these constructs if you want to defeat these creatures.