Eye of the Storm

Genshin Impact

Eye of the Storm

The corporeal form of extremely high-quality Anemo energies.
The formation of an Eye of the Storm indicates that the elemental ley lines of a region are blocked, which has led to siltation. Its reckless, heedless wielding of storms that all but sweeps people off their feet may be due to its nature as a symbol of the world stricken by malaise.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Eye of the Storm
Deutsch Auge des Sturms
Español Ojo de la Tormenta
Français Noyau de tempête
日本語 狂風のコア
한국어 광풍의 핵


Name Eye of the Storm
Type Elemental Lifeforms
Tutorial A dangerous opponent that can summon a Hurricane Sphere to deal sustained DMG. Try using the Wind Current generated in the center to swiftly leave the ground.