Iron Tongue Tian

Genshin Impact

Iron Tongue Tian

A Liyue storyteller at Thrid-Round Knockout.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Iron Tongue Tian
Deutsch Tian mit der eisernen Zunge
Español Tian Lengua de acero
Français Tian la langue de fer
日本語 田饒舌
한국어 전달변


Name Iron Tongue Tian
Region Liyue

Third-Round Knockout



TCG Action Card

Genius Invokation TCG Stage

Adventure Challenge: Brewing Evil

Stage Introduction

Where we last left off, the heroes had heard that there were demons causing trouble here, and yet when they found them, these "demons" turned out to be two Fatui...

Special Rule: Your Support Zone starts with 1 "Iron Tongue Tian" card.

Opposing Lineup


Reach Player Level 3

Challenge Objective(s)


Achieve victory

150x Player EXP

150x Lucky Coin Lucky Coin

Achieve victory within 5 Rounds

300x Lucky Coin Lucky Coin

Use 1 Elemental Burst

300x Lucky Coin Lucky Coin

Duel: Iron Tongue Tian

Stage Introduction

As the saying goes, you must see many things before your eyes can truly be opened. After watching some of his audience playing the card game everyday, Iron Tongue Tian now has a decent understanding of the game's rules...

Opposing Lineup


Reach Player Level 10

Challenge Objective(s)


Achieve victory

900x Lucky Coin Lucky Coin

Achieve victory within 5 Rounds

900x Lucky Coin Lucky Coin

Win with less than 2 characters defeated

900x Lucky Coin Lucky Coin