Primal Construct: Reshaper

Genshin Impact

Primal Construct: Reshaper

The guardians of the lost ancient desert ruins have power enough to punish any who would presume to disturb the pure dreams of their lord.

The lord of the blazing sun who once ruled this desert once promised his people a utopia on the other side of existence, though it ultimately turned out to be a mirage made of folly.

Today, that utopia is long gone, and the dreams and oaths, forgotten by the world, are now only found in the mantras inscribed upon these machines.



Primal Construct: Reshaper




These ancient machines, which come from the desert, are quite distinct from the Ruin Machines. In combat, these Primal Constructs will fire their components out while their cores enter an "invisible" state that hides them and increases their RES. Use Catalyze reactions to strike these cores or use Electro attacks on them during such times as the fired components have been destroyed and need to recover to cancel this invisibility and cause the cores to be immobilized due to excessive overclocking.