Lightning Storm

Genshin Impact

Lightning Storm

Beidou: Lightning Storm

Rumbling thunder goes well with lightning storms!

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Lightning Storm
Deutsch Donnern am Firmament
Español Tormenta eléctrica
Français Tempête de coups de tonnerre
日本語 満天の霹靂
한국어 하늘의 벽력



Lightning Storm


Equipment Card




Reward for inviting Beidou to a duel at The Cat's Tail and achieving all corresponding challenge objectives

Related Character



Combat Action: When your active character is Beidou, equip this card.

After Beidou equips this card, immediately use Tidecaller once.

When Beiou, who has this card equipped, uses Wavestrider: If DMG is taken while Prepare Skill is active, Beidou's Normal Attacks this Round will cost 1 less Unaligned Element. (Can be triggered 2 times)

(You must have Beidou in your deck to add this card to your deck.)


Elemental Skill

(Prepare for 1 turn)

Deals 2 Electro DMG.

Talent Level-Up Material


Elemental Skill

This character gains a Tidecaller: Surf Embrace.

Prepare Skill: Wavestrider.

Tidecaller: Surf Embrace


The next time this character acts, they will immediately use the Skill Wavestrider.

While preparing this Skill: Grant 2 Shield points to this character to which this is attached.


Elemental Skill

(Prepare for 1 turn)

Deals 2 Electro DMG.

Talent Level-Up Material

Electro DMG

Applies Electro and can trigger the following Elemental Reactions:

[Electro + Pyro] Overloaded: DMG +2 for this instance, the target is forcibly switched to the next character

[Electro + Cryo] Superconduct: DMG +1 for this instance, deal 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters except the target

[Electro + Hydro] Electro-Charged: DMG +1 for this instance, deal 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters except the target

[Electro + Dendro] Quicken: DMG +1 for this instance, creates a [Catalyzing Field] that grants +1 DMG to the next 2 instances of Dendro or Electro DMG

Talent Level-Up Material

Detailed Rules

Combat Action

After you finish 1 Combat Action, it will be your opponent's turn.

Playing a card from your Hand with this rule is also a Combat Action rather than a Fast Action.

Prepare Skill

Some Skills cannot be used directly. Instead, they need to be prepared over a certain number of turns. When it is a certain player's turn, and this player's active character is currently preparing a Skill, this player's turn will be skipped. If the Skill has finished being prepared, the character will directly use that Skill at this time. (Skills that require preparing cannot activated effects triggered by "using a Skill") Only active character can prepare Skills, and if an active character who is preparing a Skill gets switched off-field, their preparation will be interrupted.

Unaligned Element

You may use Elemental Dice of any element to pay this type of cost.

Talent Level-Up Material



Beidou Invitation Challenge: Friendly Fracas



Lightning Storm Lightning Storm

Achieve victory within 6 Rounds

Lightning Storm Lightning Storm

Win with less than 2 characters defeated

Dynamic Skin




Lightning Storm Lightning Storm

Reach Beidou Character Card Proficiency: 10