Dry-Braised Salted Fish

Genshin Impact

Dry-Braised Salted Fish

Dried fish that has been grilled slowly over a charcoal flame. Fish air-dried overnight have a tinge of the salty sea wind and give off a tantalizing flavor when grilled. Many Inazumans who dwell near the sea know this taste well indeed.

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Dry-Braised Salted Fish
Deutsch Gerösteter Trockenfisch
Español Pescado seco estofado
Français Ayu grillé
日本語 干物の網焼き
한국어 은어조림


Name Dry-Braised Salted Fish
Type Food
Utility Restores 9% of Max HP and an additional 1,000 HP to the selected character.
Source Obtained by cooking