Genshin Impact
Shimmering Nectar
Nectar that is full of pure elemental energy.
Scholars generally concur that Whopperflowers are advanced life forms among the elemental plants, but there has yet to be a satisfactory explanation regarding their predatory habits.
Other Language
Language | Official Name |
English | Shimmering Nectar |
Deutsch | Leuchtender Nektar |
Español | Néctar brillante |
Français | Nectar miroitant |
日本語 | 微光花の蜜 |
한국어 | 반짝반짝 꽃꿀 |
Name | Shimmering Nectar |
Type | Character Level-Up Material |
Source |
Crafted Dropped by Lv. 40+ whopperflowers Stardust Exchange |