Resolution of Sojourner

Genshin Impact

Resolution of Sojourner

Other Language
Language Official Name
English Resolution of Sojourner
Deutsch Fernweh
Español Corazón del Viajero
Français Cœur du Voyageur
日本語 旅人の心
한국어 행자의 마음


Name Resolution of Sojourner
2-Piece SetATK +18%.
4-Piece Set Increases Charged Attack CRIT Rate by 30%.


Heart of Comradeship

Flower of Life

A small cerulean flower with somebody's ribbon pinned to the stem.

Sundial of the Sojourner

Sands of Eon

A sundial that has survived the ages, always silently recording the cycles of the sun and moon as they pass through the sky.

Feather of Homecoming

Plume of Death

A blue arrow fletching imbued with the sentiment of travelers that had once faded into the horizon.

Crown of Parting

Circlet of Logos

A reed coronet that emanates the spring breeze.

Goblet of the Sojourner

Goblet of Eonothem

A plain porcelain goblet that was once brimming with joyous brews.